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Zooming into Everyday Objects Close-Up (1000x Macro Camera test)

Fesselnder Techno Thriller.

Technologie verbindet packende Unterhaltung! JETZT - Lesen oder Hören!

If you want to give me budget support ►
Hello everyone, how closely can we look at an object and how much detail can we see?
In this video, I use „Laowa Venus 24MM F/14 2x Macro Probe Lens“, „Laowa Venus 100MM F/2.8 2x Ultra Macro Lens“ and finally „Cainda Digital Microscope“ which is a microscope camera.

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Check out my other documentaries:
Visiting the COLDEST CITY in the World (-71°C, -96°F) YAKUTSK ►
8 Crazy Experiments at -55°C, -67°F (The coldest city in the World: Yakutsk) ►
I attended to a magical ritual with a witch in Tanzania ►
Opening Eyes of a 94 Year Old Blind Man in Africa ►
Visiting the Secret Albino Village in Tanzania ►
I Drilled a Water Well in Africa! ►
Visiting the MOST AIR POLLUTED CITY in the World (Dust Hell) ►
Visiting the World’s Most Daпgeгous Road: “Karakoram Road” ►
Visiting the World’s First Nuk℮d City: Hiroshima (How is it now?) ►
Staying at the World’s First Robot Hotel! (Strangest Hotel of Japan) ►
Society’s Isolation Problem in JAPAN! ►
Inside the Underground City once Housed 20,000 People: Derinkuyu ►

Playlist for the entire Ruhi Çenet Documentaries ►

My name is Ruhi Çenet. I am an independent documentary filmmaker. I go to unique places that are not known to many and discover them with a different approach.
My motto is „Curiosity is the best guide“. I’m here to not give answers but to ask right questions. Join me to learn something different…
Follow me on Instagram ►

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