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Tips for proper healing after nose piercing – Dr. Sriram Nathan

Now nose piercing, nose piercing is a fairly easy procedure, nowadays we do it with a gun shot and the gun shot comes with its own stud and these studs are sterile and they are hypoallergic studs. So they won’t usually cause any problems. So whenever any piercing, whether it is nose or it is ear is attempted, it should make sure that it is done on aseptic precautions so that there won’t be any reactions or the healing will take place quite well, the problem with nose piercing is that the cartilage is little more thicker and the skin is not very lose, so you will have always a more chance of getting infection. In any case weather it is piercing of nose or the ear, make sure that the infection or the healing takes place 100% normally. The whole skin becomes normal, as it was before the piercing and when that happens , consult your ENT doctor who can actually repeat the piercing after confirming that the wound is clean and without any infection and there are no gaps and attempt the nose piercing only with a gun. When that happens, there won’t be any problem.

Über Piercing FragenHilft außergewöhnlich gibt es schon eine halbe Ewigkeit. Schon immer ging es darum, maximal Informationen zu Piercing-Themen bereitzustellen. Wer neu ist: Das heißt Ihr könnt hier Fragen stellen & Antworten erhalten. Anderseits könnt ihr natürlich auch selbst helfen und Fragen beantworten. Beteilige dich, sammel Punkte und vernetze dich in der Community. Du findest hier auch einen Piercing Foto Contest und tägliche frische Videos rund um das Thema Piercing. _YOU are WELCOME & lovley greetings

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