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Replace a Saddle Valve in 5 Minutes to Fix, Repair Water Pipe Pin Valve

Fesselnder Techno Thriller.

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Shows replacing a saddle valve to repair a water pipe pin valve. They are also called self-piercing, pin and needle valves.
These saddle valves are for pipes carrying a low volume water flow, like humidifiers or ice makers, and are fast, cheap, easy.
You can replace a saddle valve in 5 minutes with practice, and fix the water pipe problem.
You install them by attaching a clamp onto a water pipe, then tightening down a pin valve until it pierces the copper pipe. There is no cutting, soldering, or special tools. Simple. The problem is they can leak. Most don’t, but once installed, touch them as little as possible.
If the valve has a slight leakage around the valve stem, simply tightening the packing nut may stop it. If it won’t tighten, or the valve handle doesn’t turn, or the valve has corrosion around the stem from past seepage, then just replace it.
First, turn off the water and disconnect any tubing. You can drain the pipe, but the hole is so small that leaking is minimal. Then place the needle point over the pin-hole hole made by the previous valve and tighten each clamp bolt a little at a time so the pin tightens evenly. Finally, test that the valve works, and there is no leakage.
Don’t over tighten the bolts because copper pipe can be crushed.

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