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Piercing Lance – Tip of the week for a defense for a front knife thrust with your arms up

Fesselnder Techno Thriller.

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Kenpo Tip Of The Week: In this episode Mr James of Charm City Karate gives some real world considerations, like rapidly disarming the bad guy, for using the Kenpo technique Piercing Lance, which is for a front knife thrust with your arms up.

Thanks to Mr Max for taking the whoopings!

The best training knives:

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Piercing Lance base technique:
1. Standing in a left neutral, with your hands raised, execute a right hooking downward
outward parry (as opponent delivers a right knife thrust), outside of opponent’s right wrist, redirecting it. Simultaneously with your right hand parry, execute a left heel palm and grab.
2. Slide your right foot clockwise ((to 1:00) traveling about 180°) into a modified horse, to
buckle opponent’s right leg; with your back facing your opponent and your left hand still grabbing. Simultaneously execute a right back elbow to opponent’s rib cage.
3. Immediately shift your right foot counter clockwise (to 7:30) into a right neutral as your
right hand now changes places with your left by grabbing opponent’s right wrist, have your left hand form the shape of the crane and hook on to left side of opponent’s neck and throat. Without any hesitation drop down into a left wide kneel as you pull your opponent down with both your hands forcing back of opponent’s right elbow onto your left knee in order to cause an arm break.
4. Have your left hand grab opponent’s right wrist and assist your right hand in twisting
opponent’s wrist counter clockwise as your left foot steps back (to 9:00) counter clockwise into another left wide kneel (facing 9:00). If opponent releases the knife on the arm break maintain the hold on opponent’s right wrist with your left hand as your right hand grabs the knife and plunges it into opponent’s throat.
5. Release your left hand grab and shift your left hand under (reverse if clockwise and palm up) opponent’s right wrist and wrap opponent’s right arm around your left leg, twist your left hand counter clockwise (placing pressure on opponent’s wrist) and up as your right heel palm pushes down on opponent’s outer right elbow to cause a right shoulder dislocation.
6. Release your right hand grab and shift your right hand under (reverse it counter clockwise and palm up) opponent’s right wrist, and switch your stance to a left reverse bow as your right hand maintains the grab (on opponent’s right wrist) and twists clockwise (placing pressure on opponent’s right wrist and shoulder). Simultaneously strike opponent’s right elbow (after its release) with your left heel palm (to break opponent’s right elbow).
7. Cock your left leg and deliver a left heel stomp to right side of opponent’s neck as both
your hands grab and pull up and toward you to cause further shoulder dislocation.
8. Force opponent’s arm to the ground and left front crossover stomp on top of opponent’s right wrist and cover out twice to 4:30.

Über Piercing FragenHilft außergewöhnlich gibt es schon eine halbe Ewigkeit. Schon immer ging es darum, maximal Informationen zu Piercing-Themen bereitzustellen. Wer neu ist: Das heißt Ihr könnt hier Fragen stellen & Antworten erhalten. Anderseits könnt ihr natürlich auch selbst helfen und Fragen beantworten. Beteilige dich, sammel Punkte und vernetze dich in der Community. Du findest hier auch einen Piercing Foto Contest und tägliche frische Videos rund um das Thema Piercing. _YOU are WELCOME & lovley greetings

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