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Military FLECHETTES – More Than Meets the Eye

We shoot a few shells full of flechettes. These were donated to us by Granite State Guns. I’ve seen all sorts of claims from people who believe these are great projectiles. I’ve also watched quite a few other videos showing people shoot these, and they were a major disappointment each time.

When you think about it, it makes sense that these are lousy projectiles. The biggest problem is their very light weight. You wouldn’t expect a grain of rice to be able to fly 50 yards, so why would you think these would go that far? Yet, there are people selling flechette shotgun shells claiming to have a range of 300 YARDS.

Über Piercing FragenHilft außergewöhnlich gibt es schon eine halbe Ewigkeit. Schon immer ging es darum, maximal Informationen zu Piercing-Themen bereitzustellen. Wer neu ist: Das heißt Ihr könnt hier Fragen stellen & Antworten erhalten. Anderseits könnt ihr natürlich auch selbst helfen und Fragen beantworten. Beteilige dich, sammel Punkte und vernetze dich in der Community. Du findest hier auch einen Piercing Foto Contest und tägliche frische Videos rund um das Thema Piercing. _YOU are WELCOME & lovley greetings

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